2. Stairs smoothed by thousands of hands and feet over hundreds of years.
3. Sugi, the Japanese cedar, the same timber from which Matsue-jo is constructed.
4,5. The boat and 'cruise captain'
who took us around the castle moat and surrounding channels, past the Buke Yashike (old samurai house) and under 16 assorted bridges.
6. We reached Yuushien Japanese Gardens on Daikonshima Island by local bus across a causeway.
7. The Yuushien Tea rooms use 'borrowed scenery' like a living, 3D mural.
8. One of the many beautiful peonies.
9. Yomegashima Island, Lake Shinji, without its reflection in the Shimane Art Museum's glass walls.
10. Sunset & Pine, Lake Shinji.
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